Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ballad Poem!

Blacks didnt have any rights  
Taken away because of whites
They were mistreated till they reached certain heights

They thought they were different because of their race
But some of them had the same birthplace
Although they still continued to mistreated eachother like an old bookcase

Blacks suffered until they died
Nazis had taken them to concentration camps and they cried
Knowing that they were never gonna see eahother again they still were strong

Whites were unfair people who only cared about themselves
But that was the past and now its the beginning
Things have changed and now no black is mistrearted

Thursday, May 12, 2011

And The Story Continues!

    “Oh my little baby Andrew John you are so cute” said Rosemary. Baby Andrew and Rosemary go to the hospital to see what is wrong with my baby. “Hello doctor” said Rosemary. “Well hello there” said the Doctor.  “Why is it that my baby’s eyes are yellow”? “Well Rosemary I don’t know why his eyes are yellow and I won’t give you an answer without knowing why his eyes are that color… later on I am going to research it and call you is that okay?”. “Yes doctor but please make it fast because I want to know what’s wrong with my child”. As Rosemary comes out the hospital she sees Minnie acting very suspicious. “Is there something wrong Minnie” Rosemary says. “No everything is alright” says Minnie. “Well I guess that I will be heading out back to the apartment see you later” says Rosemary. Rosemary suspects that something is wrong with Minnie and she is nervous that she is going to try to take away baby Andrew again. When Rosemary is getting to her apartment she gets a call from her doctor. “Hello?” says Rosemary. “Oh Rosemary I have bad news” “What is it doctor” “Well Rosemary I found out that the reason your son has yellow eyes is because he has become a demon!” “What” “Yes it’s true apparently somebody did something to him when he was born and they turned him into a demon” “Well is there a cure for that” “There is but you can only cure it by sending a pastor or someone that knows how to cure that type of stuff” “Okay doctor, thank you so much bye.”
    When Hutch told Mr. Castevet that he began to worry and he stayed quiet.Rosemary goes to the Castevets house and she is really frustrated. “Who is knocking on my door like that” says Mr. Castevet. As Mr. Castevet opens the door Rosemary starts to cuss at Mr. Castevet. “You little son of a b****, mother f***** look at what you did to my child!” “Listen up Rosemary nobody comes into my house and talks to me with that nasty dirty language including you!” “I don’t care you f***** stupid dumb crap”. Mr. Castevet gets so mad that he gets Rosemary and dragged her to his basement and tied her where within 2 hours the basement will go up on fire with Rosemary inside. “Help, Help”. Rosemary is screaming her lungs out and nobody is able to hear her. While she is tied up in the basement Hutch has been trying to contact her but he has got no answer from her and he starts to get worried. Hutch calls Mr. Castevet to see if Rosemary was over there but Mr. Castevet lies and tells him that Rosemary left about an hour ago and she told me to take care of her baby. Hutch hangs up the phone and he starts to look for Rosemary all over town and asks everybody he knows that if they have seen Rosemary but everyone says the last time they saw her was in the Castevets apartment. “Oh man I hope that Rosemary is safe and that nothing bad has happened to her. An hour has past and Hutch has still not found Rosemary, so he heads back to the apartment and goes to the Castevets house. “Hutch have you found Rosemary yet” says Mr. Castevet “No” says Hutch. “Everyone says that the last time they saw her she was with you in the apartment”. 
 I had suspect something from him but instead of continuing the conversation he decided to also stay quiet. “Can I get a glass of water?” said Hutch. “Well of course you can” said Mr. Castevet. When Hutch went into the kitchen he heard as if some strange noise was coming from the basement. While Hutch was getting water Mr. and Mrs. Castevet went to have a 5 minute talk about what they were going to do with Rosemary in the basement and Hutch in their house. They agreed that they would tell Hutch that they were leaving to the store and they were going to come back but instead of really going to the store they were going to sneak back into the basement and finish up Rosemary. Rosemary had only 30 minutes left before she would go up in flames and the Castevets needed to get Hutch out of the apartment so that he wouldn’t know that they were trying to get rid of Rosemary forever. Hitch goes back into the living room where the Castevets are trying to tell Hutch that they are leaving but Hutch refuses to leave. The Castevets decide to take the baby into the bedroom and turn him back into a normal kid. When the Castevets decide to let Hutch stay in the apartment and take care of the baby they go through the back of the apartment and Rosemary has 15 minutes left.
    Hitch lays the baby in the crib and he goes to the basement where he had heard strange noises and believes that it was Rosemary. He opens the door that leads to the basement and it looks and smells really bad. There are spider webs everywhere rats are crawling around and there are lots of cockroaches crawling all over the floor and walls. As he walked down the stairs he thought that he would never get the bottom because the stairs were so far down that he would never get to the bottom.  When Hutch started to go deeper down he started to get really hot and thought that something was on fire. That’s when he heard Rosemary screaming and he hurried. Rosemary only had 5 minutes left and Hutch had reached the bottom of the stairs. There he saw his wife tied up to the chair sweating like if someone had poured a bucket of water on her. “Hutch” said Rosemary “Shhh be quiet the Castevets are at the door”. Hutch ran as fast as he could to lock the door and the Castevets couldn’t get in. “Hurry up UN tie me Hutch please I don’t want to die help me!” “I am going as fast as I can, you’re not going to die Rosemary, not with me here to save you”. As Hutch is trying to free Rosemary there is a minute left and the fire is getting closer and closer. Hutch UN ties Rosemary and the Castevets knock the door down and they fall right into the fire and burn into flames. Hutch and Rosemary are okay but Rosemary is worried about her baby. They both go through the fastest way to get upstairs and into the apartment. As soon as they get into the apartment they see baby Andrew safe and sound sleeping in his crib just like Hutch had left them. Rosemary and Hutch move into another Beautiful House were Andrew grows up to be successful in life.

Dear Ms. Vallejo!

    Dear Ms. Vallejo,
    You should read my book “Rosemary’s Baby”. It’s a really good book and it’s scary. It talks about a man named Guy and a lady named Rosemary. They go live in an apartment but the apartment they move into there have been lots of murders there and there are witches living there to. Along the way 2 of Rosemary’s friends die. Her friend Terry dies because she murdered herself and her friend Hutch dies because he tried to tell Rosemary about what was happening in the apartment and he died for that. Rosemary new that something was going on in the house and her husband started to act strange ever since he started to hang out with Castevets.
    The Castevets were the neighbors and they were the witches. They had done something to Rosemary’s husband Guy and that’s why he was acting so strange. This is a really good book also because Rosemary gets pregnant in a dream. The day she was cooking dinner the Castevets came over and after dinner Rosemary got dizzy so they laid her in bed. Rosemary had a weird dream and in the dream that’s when she was getting pregnant. But it turned out to be no dream….it was real! While she was pregnant she had gone to the doctor and the doctor recommended a medicine that Rosemary would drink but that Ms. Castevet would give her and she would make it.
    This book even gets more interesting because Minnie (Ms. Castevet) has been given Rosemary something in the drink/ medicine that is making Rosemary have pains. So when Minnie gave Rosemary her drink she would throw it away and Rosemary would make her own drink. I don’t really get this book because when Rosemary was in the dream and she saw Guy making love to her...did she really get pregnant in the dream or in the book? Well anyways this book is very interesting because it scary and confusing at the same time. When Rosemary’s baby was born they had told her that it was born dead and later on in the book she found out it was alive and she knew that the Castevets had her baby but her baby had got yellow eyes because the Castevets had done something to it.
    This is what happens in the book and you should really read it. I have never heard of a book like this… its one of a kind and that’s what makes this book interesting. So Ms. Vallejo you should really read this book. It’s not like other books that it takes a whole chapter to get interested in the book. This book as soon as you read 3 full lines you start to get into it. If you’re into these kinds of scary books this is the #1 book that I would recommend to you. Not trying to exaggerate but this is one of the best books that I have read out of all the books that are out there.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rosemary's Baby!

It all started when I and my husband signed a lease apartment located on First Avenue. Later that day we got another call from another agent telling us that there was another apartment in the Branford. I really wanted to go live there and my husband called the other agent of the other apartment and he made up an excuse so that we won’t rent the apartment no more. My friend hutch told me that we shouldn’t rent that apartment because strange things have happened there. He also told me that there used to be witches living there and there were lots of people murdered there. My husband and I didn’t believe him so a few days later we went to sign the lease apartment papers. We also bought the furniture from the previous owner. One day as I was going to the basement I meet this girl named Terry. She used to be addicted to drugs but now she was normal and she hadn’t done drugs anymore. I had told my husband that it was kind of scary in the basement and I told him to come with me.
One night as my husband and I were going back to the house I saw the police in the front of our apartment. We looked closely to see who was lying on the ground and it was Terry. She had killed herself. The Castevets family went to go see what was going on but they didn’t seem to care what had happened. Another night I had gone into the bathroom and all the pictures were taken down. Ms. Castevet came to my apartment the other day and had given me a present which contained a necklace with a big bail charm. I showed my husband the present but I didn’t want to wear it so I took it off. My husband had apologized for his strange behavior and he said that he wanted to have a baby and I was really excited. I had got a phone call from my sister Margaret and she told me that if something was wrong because she had a feeling that something was wrong with me. I told her that everything was okay.
Later, I had cooked dinner and after eating I felt kind of dizzy and they put me in bed. While I was in bed I had a strange dream that I was on a cruise ship and all the people from the apartment were there and I had to warn them about a typhoon. Then I entered this big enormous ballroom and there was a bed, I layed down and my husband began to make love with me but it’s like he wasn’t making love with me it looked like he was raping me. But all of a sudden I realized that it was real but I couldn’t do anything and this pope is standing beside me because I was bitten by a mouse. I kissed his ring and he vanished. The following morning my husband woke me up and I remembered exactly what happened. I soon realized that there were scratches all over my body and my husband said it was his fault because he made love with me as I was asleep he told me that he didn’t want to miss “Baby Night”. I was angry and scared.
My husband told me that I was pregnant because I hadn’t had my period yet but I told him that it would come in a few days and I made a bet with him. My husband went out to get some ice cream and he asked the Castevets if they wanted to go. I would make up excuses so that I wouldn’t have to anywhere and I could stay at home. So, I made an appointment with my doctor and he told me that I was pregnant. He recommended I drink a vitamin that Ms. Castevet would serve me every day. So Ms. Castevet would serve me the drink but I felt pains ever since I had drink that medicine. I told my doctor about it and he said that the pains would go away in about 2 to 3 days. But 2 to 3 days passed and the doctor said that the pain would go away soon but it never did. I had talked to my friends about my pregnancy and my pain and they said the doctor was dumb because it was a lot of pain. Hutch my friend came and visits me and I told him about my pregnancy but he told me that instead of gaining weight I had lost weight. Later Hutch called me and said that he wanted to talk to me what was wrong. So I meet up with him but he didn’t seem to show up so I called his apartment and a woman named Grace picked up and told me that Hutch had become ill last night and that he was deep in coma. When pains started to come and get worse I stopped drinking the drink that Minnie was serving me and the pains had stopped. I thought I had killed my baby because of the drink I made myself but then the baby moved.
I had got a message saying that Hitch was dead and I went to his funeral. There I meet a girl named Grace who gave me a book. It talked about witches and that’s when everything fell into place. I had told my husband was was the book and he said he trashed it because he thought it would upset me even more. Then I start to believe that the Castevets were witches. Then I had gone into my doctor’s office and he was going to give me an injection. Soon I was giving labor and when I woke up from my sleep I asked for my baby and the doctor said that things had got complicated and he was dead. A few weeks later I heard a baby cry in the Castevets house and I knew that it was my baby and I had to get him back which was strange because they had gone on vacation to Europe. I sneaked into the Castevets house and I saw roman and I threatened to kill him because all I wanted was my baby back. There I saw my baby laying the baby that the doctor had told me was dead. He seemed like a normal baby but when he opened his eyes I saw that he had golden yellow eyes. They told me his father was Satan and Guy was not the father. They told me the baby’s name was Andrew Steven but I named him Andrew John because he was my baby.
Rosemary: She is married to Guy and is very happy with him. She does everything her doctor tells her to do but she never asks why she should do it. She trusts people very quickly and doesn’t believe in herself. When she believes something is right and others believe another thing she believes that person is right. She is not confident in herself and if they told her to jump off a cliff she would do it.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ira Levin

       Ira Levin was born August 27, 1929 in the Bronx. When he was thirteen his family moved to the Upper West Side of Manhattan.Charles Levin was his father and beatrice levin was his mother. Ira had a sister named Ellie but he was the only boy. beatrice and charles had took Ira to his first play called "Charlies' Aunt" and he instantly fell in love with theatre. 
        Later in the year 1953 Ira went into the army and served with the Signal Corps but was still a writer. On August 20, 1960 Levin married Gabrielle Aronsohn. They had three children named Adam, Jared, and Nicholas. They later divorced in January of 1968. in 2003 The Mystery Writers of America honored Levin's lifetime by giving him the Grand Masters Award.
        Levin also wrote plays like Interlock, General Seeger, Drat! The Cat that took ten years for him to work on it. Ira attended Horace Mann School and went on to attend Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, for two years. Levin's first book was A Kiss Before Dying and it was published in 1953. Iras father wanted him to go into his footsteps as a toy business when the time was right.
         At the age of 12 Ira also became interested in magic. Ira has write lots of plays and stories since the days that he had lived. Ira was Jewish and he died on November, 12 , 2007 because of heart failure.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Anne Franks Stage Adoption!

In the beginning of the play Mr. Frank gives Anne her diary. Miep and Mr. Kidler are none jewish. The diary enters fast forward time. Mr. Dusell informs everyone that the families he knows are being captured by the Nazis and are being taken to concentration camps. Mr. Kraler tells them that everything is getting better so that the families can stop feeling scared. The Franks leave a letter about leaving to Switzerland to mislead Nazis. Anne Frank went into hiding in the year 1942 when she recieved a call from her older sister Margot. They went hiding into a secret annex that was up in the attic. The Franks And Van Danns  went into hiding. The Nazis were invading Jewish people because they were given an order by Hitler. Nazis were torturing the friends that the Franks and Vann Danns knew. The people that were sent to concentration camps were called nasty names and were forced to starve. Their were people providing food for them but those people got arrested. The Franks and Vann Danns are also starving because they dont have enough food for everybody. They found  out that Mr. Vann Dann has ben stealing the food and he is watching his own friends getting thinner. Mrs. Frank threatens to kick out the Vann Danns except for Peter. The Franks and Vann Danns have been two years into hiding an still havent got caught. A sound is heard downstairs and its a thief that has took the radio. The Gustapo find the thief and they are going to trace it back to the Franks. Gustapo capture the Franks and the Vann Danns are shipped to different camps. Anee dies of typhus. MR. Frank is the ONLY SURVIVOR!