Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rosemary's Baby!

It all started when I and my husband signed a lease apartment located on First Avenue. Later that day we got another call from another agent telling us that there was another apartment in the Branford. I really wanted to go live there and my husband called the other agent of the other apartment and he made up an excuse so that we won’t rent the apartment no more. My friend hutch told me that we shouldn’t rent that apartment because strange things have happened there. He also told me that there used to be witches living there and there were lots of people murdered there. My husband and I didn’t believe him so a few days later we went to sign the lease apartment papers. We also bought the furniture from the previous owner. One day as I was going to the basement I meet this girl named Terry. She used to be addicted to drugs but now she was normal and she hadn’t done drugs anymore. I had told my husband that it was kind of scary in the basement and I told him to come with me.
One night as my husband and I were going back to the house I saw the police in the front of our apartment. We looked closely to see who was lying on the ground and it was Terry. She had killed herself. The Castevets family went to go see what was going on but they didn’t seem to care what had happened. Another night I had gone into the bathroom and all the pictures were taken down. Ms. Castevet came to my apartment the other day and had given me a present which contained a necklace with a big bail charm. I showed my husband the present but I didn’t want to wear it so I took it off. My husband had apologized for his strange behavior and he said that he wanted to have a baby and I was really excited. I had got a phone call from my sister Margaret and she told me that if something was wrong because she had a feeling that something was wrong with me. I told her that everything was okay.
Later, I had cooked dinner and after eating I felt kind of dizzy and they put me in bed. While I was in bed I had a strange dream that I was on a cruise ship and all the people from the apartment were there and I had to warn them about a typhoon. Then I entered this big enormous ballroom and there was a bed, I layed down and my husband began to make love with me but it’s like he wasn’t making love with me it looked like he was raping me. But all of a sudden I realized that it was real but I couldn’t do anything and this pope is standing beside me because I was bitten by a mouse. I kissed his ring and he vanished. The following morning my husband woke me up and I remembered exactly what happened. I soon realized that there were scratches all over my body and my husband said it was his fault because he made love with me as I was asleep he told me that he didn’t want to miss “Baby Night”. I was angry and scared.
My husband told me that I was pregnant because I hadn’t had my period yet but I told him that it would come in a few days and I made a bet with him. My husband went out to get some ice cream and he asked the Castevets if they wanted to go. I would make up excuses so that I wouldn’t have to anywhere and I could stay at home. So, I made an appointment with my doctor and he told me that I was pregnant. He recommended I drink a vitamin that Ms. Castevet would serve me every day. So Ms. Castevet would serve me the drink but I felt pains ever since I had drink that medicine. I told my doctor about it and he said that the pains would go away in about 2 to 3 days. But 2 to 3 days passed and the doctor said that the pain would go away soon but it never did. I had talked to my friends about my pregnancy and my pain and they said the doctor was dumb because it was a lot of pain. Hutch my friend came and visits me and I told him about my pregnancy but he told me that instead of gaining weight I had lost weight. Later Hutch called me and said that he wanted to talk to me what was wrong. So I meet up with him but he didn’t seem to show up so I called his apartment and a woman named Grace picked up and told me that Hutch had become ill last night and that he was deep in coma. When pains started to come and get worse I stopped drinking the drink that Minnie was serving me and the pains had stopped. I thought I had killed my baby because of the drink I made myself but then the baby moved.
I had got a message saying that Hitch was dead and I went to his funeral. There I meet a girl named Grace who gave me a book. It talked about witches and that’s when everything fell into place. I had told my husband was was the book and he said he trashed it because he thought it would upset me even more. Then I start to believe that the Castevets were witches. Then I had gone into my doctor’s office and he was going to give me an injection. Soon I was giving labor and when I woke up from my sleep I asked for my baby and the doctor said that things had got complicated and he was dead. A few weeks later I heard a baby cry in the Castevets house and I knew that it was my baby and I had to get him back which was strange because they had gone on vacation to Europe. I sneaked into the Castevets house and I saw roman and I threatened to kill him because all I wanted was my baby back. There I saw my baby laying the baby that the doctor had told me was dead. He seemed like a normal baby but when he opened his eyes I saw that he had golden yellow eyes. They told me his father was Satan and Guy was not the father. They told me the baby’s name was Andrew Steven but I named him Andrew John because he was my baby.
Rosemary: She is married to Guy and is very happy with him. She does everything her doctor tells her to do but she never asks why she should do it. She trusts people very quickly and doesn’t believe in herself. When she believes something is right and others believe another thing she believes that person is right. She is not confident in herself and if they told her to jump off a cliff she would do it.

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