Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dear Ms. Vallejo!

    Dear Ms. Vallejo,
    You should read my book “Rosemary’s Baby”. It’s a really good book and it’s scary. It talks about a man named Guy and a lady named Rosemary. They go live in an apartment but the apartment they move into there have been lots of murders there and there are witches living there to. Along the way 2 of Rosemary’s friends die. Her friend Terry dies because she murdered herself and her friend Hutch dies because he tried to tell Rosemary about what was happening in the apartment and he died for that. Rosemary new that something was going on in the house and her husband started to act strange ever since he started to hang out with Castevets.
    The Castevets were the neighbors and they were the witches. They had done something to Rosemary’s husband Guy and that’s why he was acting so strange. This is a really good book also because Rosemary gets pregnant in a dream. The day she was cooking dinner the Castevets came over and after dinner Rosemary got dizzy so they laid her in bed. Rosemary had a weird dream and in the dream that’s when she was getting pregnant. But it turned out to be no dream….it was real! While she was pregnant she had gone to the doctor and the doctor recommended a medicine that Rosemary would drink but that Ms. Castevet would give her and she would make it.
    This book even gets more interesting because Minnie (Ms. Castevet) has been given Rosemary something in the drink/ medicine that is making Rosemary have pains. So when Minnie gave Rosemary her drink she would throw it away and Rosemary would make her own drink. I don’t really get this book because when Rosemary was in the dream and she saw Guy making love to her...did she really get pregnant in the dream or in the book? Well anyways this book is very interesting because it scary and confusing at the same time. When Rosemary’s baby was born they had told her that it was born dead and later on in the book she found out it was alive and she knew that the Castevets had her baby but her baby had got yellow eyes because the Castevets had done something to it.
    This is what happens in the book and you should really read it. I have never heard of a book like this… its one of a kind and that’s what makes this book interesting. So Ms. Vallejo you should really read this book. It’s not like other books that it takes a whole chapter to get interested in the book. This book as soon as you read 3 full lines you start to get into it. If you’re into these kinds of scary books this is the #1 book that I would recommend to you. Not trying to exaggerate but this is one of the best books that I have read out of all the books that are out there.

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